Hello everyone!
Today we want to chat with you about your business or brands online presence. Your online presence extends further than just your website, it encapsulates everything that you do online, and how you operate in that space. This piece of your business could be the only piece some people see, so the importance of maintaining a healthy presence is crucial.
Let’s dive in!
Post Regularly on Social Media
Posting often on social media is a great way to show your audience and consumers that you are active and engaging in spaces that they occupy. It helps bridge the gap between business and consumer, it helps you become more personable to the consumer as well. Posting regular updates is an excellent avenue to show your new products or services, what you’re currently up to and any other news relating to your business! Social media as a whole is becoming increasingly popular, and there are new platforms coming out every year. With this increase in popularity, this is also a great space to grow your business organically, or through ads!
Respond to Messages in a Timely Manner
Responding to a message from a consumer is a great way to build your online presence. In fact, Facebook will track how long it takes you to reply to a message, and then will give the “Estimated time of replies” to the consumer who is reaching out to you. Responding to a legitimate message that someone sends you on your social media accounts is a great way to show your consumers or audience that you really do want to help them and communicate with them to help make the experience of working with your company the best it can be.
Interact with Consumers
Interacting with consumers on your social media is one of the best ways to connect with your audience.. Much like the importance of replying to messages on your social media, there are strong benefits from replying to online comments or reviews. Replying to a comment publicly on your social media shows your consumers that you are ready to communicate. Whether they have a good or bad comment, your respectful communication with them can really set you apart from other companies that do not reply to any comments or reviews. Something as little as replying with a “Thank you!” when someone compliments your business, or “We appreciate the review” when someone reviews you online is great way to show gratitude to the person who engaged with your business or brand.
Keep Your Site up to Date
We harp on this one a lot here. Make sure your site is staying up to date with your business. As the business moves forward and new products or services come in, adjust your site to reflect those changes. Keep your hours of operation up to date, your contact information accurate, and your products and services up to date. Don’t let your business outrun your website, they should be moving forward together. Additionally, like we mentioned in our last blog post, keeping your software and programs up to date is also very helpful to your cyber security and helps with your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) placement on Google.
There are many things you can do online to help bolster your online presence, these are just a few that we see as being very important and wanted to chat with everyone about!
As we said earlier in this post, social media popularity is rising quickly. Due to the difficult events of 2020, more people are staying home and working from home, so having a strong online presence has never been more beneficial. If you have any questions about these points, or web development at all, let us know in the comments or send us a message! We appreciate all types of engagement!